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How to use the php selector in Direct Admin

2 min read


WordPress and other PHP programs communicate with the server and run scripts using PHP Extensions. Sometimes WordPress and some other scripts will fail to run or cause errors because the required extensions are not enabled.

This article will help you fix that.

To start, log into your Direct Admin account,  As shown below, scroll down to the PHP Selector dashboard.

The dashboard will open up to the extensions page, where you can;

1. change the PHP version to the options available on the server.

2. Reset the default PHP settings as per the preset server settings.

3. Enable or disable PHP extensions as required.

Changing your php version. #

If you are accessing this page for the first time the “native” PHP version will be enabled there and you will need to change to the one you want and then save so that you can access the PHP extensions list as shown below.

If you want to change the PHP version, please click on the facing down blue arrow as per the image above, then select the PHP version you want as per the picture below.

After you have selected the PHP version you want, click on “set as current” or “apply” to activate your new PHP version as per the picture below.


Changing PHP Extentions #

After you have selected the PHP version you want you can now choose the PHP extensions you need, a list of PHP extensions can and their use can be found On this LINK.


If you are using WordPress the basic PHP extensions you need are the following

  • APCu
  • Dom
  • dBase
  • fileinfo
  • Exif
  • Gmagic or Imagick
  • IMAP
  • json
  • mbstring
  • mysqli
  • pcre
  • sodium
  • xml
  • zip

Some themes, plugins and other software / scripts will require other extensions from the basics and you can enable these as required by your vendor by clicking on the module above, remember to select one module at a time , wait until it has activated before electing another.

Changing PHP options and limits #

If you need to change the PHP options and limits you can do so by clicking on the options button as per the picture below.

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